Wednesday, October 25, 2006
  Republican base loses faith |
Republican base loses faith | "A Gallup poll earlier this month found white religious voters 'equally as likely to say they will vote Democratic as Republican.' And a Pew Research poll last week found just 57 percent of white Evangelicals planning to vote Republican, a drop from 68 percent in 2002 and 74 percent in 2004. Among white Catholics, the decline was even greater.

'The GOP's problems with white Evangelicals are important, but they have even bigger problems with white Catholics,' says John Green, senior fellow at Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. 'The survey shows a majority of white Catholics saying they'll vote for a Democratic congressional candidate; that's a return to where white Catholics would have been a decade or two ago.'

The shift reflects plummeting support for the Republican administration and Congress over the war in Iraq and multiplying political scandals. But it appears that Democratic candidates' efforts to articulate their faith and values - and tie them to a broader range of issues - are also resonating with voters."
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